トップページ >>学会大会 /シンポジウム >> 7th Intercongress symposium of the AOSCE(2014/03/18-23 Keelung, Taiwan)

7th Intercongress symposium of the AOSCE(2014/03/18-23 Keelung, Taiwan)

日本比較内分泌学会 会員のみなさま

AOSCE庶務幹事の高橋会員より、来年3月に台湾で開催される7th Intercongress symposium of the AOSCEの案内をいただきました。詳細は添付のポスターならびにウェブサイトをご覧下さい。

Dear JSCE members,
We would like to inform you that registration and call for abstracts for 7th Intercongress
symposium of the AOSCE are open and we would be very grateful if you participate in the
symposium will be held at National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan next March.
Please see URL below and an attached file for details. We look forward to seeing you all
in Keelung.


Best regards
Yours sincerely

Prof. Akiyoshi Takahashi
Secretary General of the AOSCE
Kitasato University, School of Marine Biosciences

7th Intercongress symposium of the AOSCE新しいウィンドウで開く

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